Whether you're reading this post from your ranch home in Texas, or a high rise in New York City, Sweet Tea is a beverage choice preferred by many all over the country. But, how do you get that perfect, just brewed in Georgia flavor? We're here to help. With summer creeping up on us and temperatures rising, our team wanted you all to have our favorite iced tea recipe. 


For the Tea - 

  • 8 Cups of Hot Water
  • 4 Family Size Lipton Tea Bags
  • 1/4 Teaspoon of Baking Soda (You guessed it, that's the secret!) 

For the Syrup - 

  • 3/4 Cup of Sugar
  • 1 Cup of Water


Step 1 : Add baking soda to boiled water 

Step 2 : Steep tea bags for 5 minutes

Step 3: While your tea is steeping, make your simple syrup by adding the sugar and water into a small pot and heat until the sugar dissolves. 

Step 4: Remove the tea bags, and add simple syrup 

Step 5: Pour over ice and garnish with a lemon if you desire! 


So, why the baking soda? Well, the baking soda gives tea a smoother taste and clears up the cloudiness.